rocking chair series . . . acrylic/mixed media               2003

for prices and sizes, contact me at

"Variation 11: age becomes

"Variation 8: Ah, the wonder"

"Side by Side 2.1

"Variation 9: infinity"
in a private collection
      "Variation 6: essence"
Sunlight catches / translates you to lines / asymmetrical in their caring / Spots of brightness / less than your whole / yet revealing your very essence  not for sale

"Variation 12:
move through memory"
in a private collection

"Variation 10: on the edge"

"Variation 3: Perfect Grace"
"Morning sun on sea glints brightliy/ Neptune's breeze sofly salts my face/ The chair waits, a comforting place,/ Ready to fulfill perfect grace.../
Wraps me, rocks me in its embrace/ Eases me into this day, lightly."
in a private collection

"Variation 13:
rock my blues away"
in a private collection

" Variation One:
Ocean Isle Beach, NC"
in a private collection

"Variation 2:

"Variation 7: tell myself my story"
in a private collection
home page  

"Variation 14: Perspective Shift" 4'x3' acrylic
First Prize: Multimedia Show, St. Peters MO , 2005
not for sale